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Sandip Rane


A Message From Our CEO.


"The market expects dynamism and strategic foresight from leaders to stay in the race and succeed.”

Director Strategy

Sandip Rane

Sandip Rane is an Engineer with a double major management graduate in finance and marketing from New Hampshire College University. He is a catalyst for transformative change and improvement in high-profile, global partnerships, bringing alliance best practices to multiple business areas. His strength is to contain costs while strategically using partnership and resources to create the largest top and bottom line impacts – all while meeting long-term goals. Proven thought leadership that expands the ability of the delivery organisation is one of his primary contributions, making me a continuous source of inventive approaches to business transformation. He is known for his global expertise in integrating cultures and teams to deliver excellence while creating incomparable standards and solutions. He also built a strong reputation from his forward-thinking recommendations to influence senior leadership to move their businesses to action.